001 Stamps
In the bottom number of each stamp you will see a number
In the Valthorn Mythic above it is 001/249
The 001 stands for the number of Valthorn’s on the server that have been printed. In this case, this is the first ever Valthorn that has been printed.
You will see that this is 002/249 - this means that it is the 2nd Valthorn that has ever been printed.
So what happens when it gets to 249?
When it gets to 250 it will be the equivalent of second edition and you will see the stamps change from XXX/249 to XXX/500
Sometimes you can get extremely lucky and have a 001 combined with a card treatment like full art.
Keep all of your 001 stamps that you find as they will be valuable and you will be able to resell them to people, especially when peer to peer trading is introduced.