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Cover Image for Album
Chris Dunlop
Chris Dunlop

We have introduced additional albums


Albums currently allow you to store on copy of a particular stamp in the album. Additional albums are perfect for keeping and collecting multiple versions of stamps.

So far I have albums for

  • The highest score
  • Full Art
  • Foil
  • Gold
  • Dated
  • Misprints

When you have a stamp now you click on the details and it will bring up your list of albums


This is a dated stamp so I will put it in the Album Dated by clicking the + Album button


Now if I go to my Album Dated I can see that it is in there


Albums are a great way of creating collections.


All my full arts together in a full art album


All my golds together in a gold album


All my foils together in the foil album

Note in the future we are going to tie prizes and trophies to different albums, as well as the stamp seal backgrounds for additional trophies to hunt down.