Foil Stamps and Full Art Stamps
Chris Dunlop
Chris Dunlop
An exciting feature just got released today. We added full art stamps to the game.
These stamps will display the image of the stamp on the protective case behind the stamp as well to make it look extra special.
They currently have a 4% chance of dropping so get cracking on the tasks to discover these and add them to your album.
Foil Stamps
We also added foil stamps to the game. They have a 2% chance of dropping.
Yes you can currently get both a foil and a full art stamp, that would be super rare but you could do it. And the odds of getting a full art, foil, mythic, perfect 10 ….. I don’t think our calculators go that high.
We also added
- A stamp flip animation
- A nice glow behind the stamps when you open a rare, legendary or mythic
We are going to keep adding epic things for you to find in Cadenthea.
Happy collecting.