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Task Rewards

Cover Image for Task Rewards
Chris Dunlop
Chris Dunlop

We wanted to reward individual tasks that you complete that’s why we have added a new feature for specific task rewards.

Initially we have started with five task rewards for common household chores.

  • Making the Bed
  • Running
  • Turning on the Washing Machine
  • Cooking
  • Dishes

Now when you do your tasks it is going to give you progress milestones to work towards, here’s an example below:


So if you make the bed 5 times you will earn an additional 5 gold, 10 times will reward you a booster pack. Remember that boosters guarantee that you will earn at least 1 rare and give you 5 additional stamps. Also gold can be used to buy booster packs.

We are also providing with additional stats about these tasks so that you can track how you are going. We also plan to bring in streak bonuses in the future.



Plus you also have a full audit history of all your chores, who knows maybe this will come in handy if you ever get audited on exactly what date you made your bed.

Accessing these tasks.

For now go to the plus button and then when you are creating a task you will see a template option. Select that and then choose the tasks that you want to add. We recommend adding all of them.


Future Rewards


We personally used to love games where you would earn trophies and have a trophy cabinet to display all of your achievements. In a future update we will be bringing in trophies for these special tasks. For example if you make the bed 25 times you will earn a bronze bed making trophy.

We have a whole realm of trophies that we have drawn up and are excited to see them released on the site.

In order to do that we are also going to have add profiles so that you will be able to display your trophies and then view other people’s trophies as well.